Sheep Farm

We are a natural grass fed sheep operation. Our focus is on quality animals that require very little care. Sheep are herbivores that thrive on mixed forage pastures so that is what we provide.

Our base flock was Coopworth, and Border Leicester cross, and we have now brought in Dorpers, Wiltshire Horn, Wiltipolls, and Katahdin to develop the low care sheep we desire. We want only the best lambs to grow for our customers to be able to offer a fair price.


Anonymous said…
Good job guys. I love the pictures!
damae said…
Wow, impressive!!
You say, "Sheep are herbivores that thrive on mixed forage pastures so that is what we provide." I would like to know more about what that means to you, like exactly what that mixed forage is and how you produce it. Do you also do the managed intensive grazing where the animals are moved frequently and are high density? Going to have to get one of your rams eventually. You are obviously doing it right, thanks for sharing.

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